Working in the golf business and further working at a golf course in the Canadian Rockies is easily one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences!

Our morning begins just prior to the first light of the day and starts for us with the sun peaking over the east mountains to light up the uppermost tip of Mt. Kidd. What makes this moment extraordinary is that there is a brief period (5 minutes) where the peak of the mountain has a stunning red hue to it. Literally in the 6th minute, the color transforms from a red hue to an orange hue and for a few more minutes we get to enjoy this breathtaking display before the coloring returns to normal. It is almost like nature is rewarding the early riser with something extra special to feast the eyes on.

I don’t know if it is just me but the other thing I find so unique about a morning in the mountains is the senses seem to be at a heightened level of consciousness. The aroma of pine and spruce needles from the trees seem to fill your sinuses after the moisture from an overnight rain or simply from the dew. The smell of fresh cut grass, the the chirping of birds penetrating the morning air while the coyotes, deer, elk and sometimes bear make their way on and off the course before our first guests arrive.

There is never a day, a view or a sound that is the same. Each angle of the sun’s rays on the rugged mountain peaks expose new and different perspectives. I personally could never tire of the daily opportunity to witness first hand these spectacular mountains and everything that goes along with them.

Two weeks ago this rainbow appeared over the golf courses and this is just a snapshot (literally) of what we get to witness in a Morning in the Life….in the mountains!